The Cheapest Cell Phone Plans for Your Tight Budget

The Cheapest Cell Phone Plans for Your Tight Budget

Are you feeling the pinch of your costly cell phone plan? Thankfully, you don’t have to stick to one cellphone plan for life! If you’re unhappy with your current plan or it no longer serves your needs, you’re always welcome to make the switch.

But with more than 30 carriers and several plans to choose from, getting the right plan is not always easy as it seems. You have to consider how many texts you need, talk time, and data. You also need to take into account speed and coverage as well as find the best carrier in your location. And […] Read more

Money Order Basics: What You Need to Know About Money Orders

Money Order Basics: What You Need to Know About Money Orders

It’s the electronic age, and most of us probably think that the best way to send money is to do it electronically. There’s a slew of online remittance services, e-wallets and electronic fund transfers that allow you to transfer money in an instant, but when it comes to traditional methods, money order proves to be one of your best options.

There are several instances when money orders make sense and, in some situations, it proves to be the best payment method. Most people consider money order as a sound alternative to checks, especially if you don’t have a bank account or […] Read more

Buying a Car vs. Leasing One: What’s the better way to go?

Buying a Car vs. Leasing One: What’s the better way to go?

A car is an essential investment in the modern age. How you obtain a car is a huge decision to make. After all, you’re essentially locking yourself into monthly payments and car-related expenses for the next several years.

Traditionally, the best way to get a car is to buy one. However, leasing has risen to popularity. Leased cars nowadays are not limited to luxury vehicles anymore. You can find a slew of vehicles for lease, ranging from sedans, SUVs to other car types in between.

Now that you have two options, you go through an internal debate: should you lease or buy?

Would […] Read more

The Best Places to Sell Your Stuff Online

The Best Places to Sell Your Stuff Online

Do you have a lot of clothes in your closet only to complain that you have nothing to wear? Are you frantic every morning looking for things like car keys or the other pair of your shoes? Do you feel stressed having too much stuff inside your house you can barely use? If you say yes to these questions, chances are, you need to de-clutter your home.

But de-cluttering is just one part of the equation. What do you do with all the extra stuff that you’ve accumulated? Instead of junking them, turn them into cash. A lot of people had […] Read more

How much life insurance do I need?


Many people consider life insurance as an added expense, only to regret later on when an unexpected event happens. Sure, it isn’t fun to be talking about the grim realities of life (or death, for that matter), but it’s also less exciting to think about the family you leave behind should you pass this world uninsured.

The thing is, many people think that life insurance is essential, but they tend to push the thought away until it’s almost too late. It is important to remember that buying life insurance is an integral part of financial […] Read more

Most Common Credit Card Scams & How to Avoid Them

Most Common Credit Card Scams & How to Avoid Them

The credit card has become a popular currency in the modern world. But with the rise of credit card use also comes the risks of scams and fraud. And even now with the taunted safer EMV chip credit cards that replaced magnetic stripes cards, scammers, hackers and frauds are still able to find ways to execute their malicious plans.

The modus on credit card frauds and scams range from simple to sophisticated. That one time you ate at a restaurant and the waitress took away your card for a quick swipe can be the perfect opportunity to copy your credit card […] Read more

Title Loans are Predatory: Avoid Them at All Cost

Title Loans are Predatory: Avoid Them at All Cost

Title loans are short term, high interest emergency loans that are easy to qualify for because of their loose loan application requirements. All you need is a government issued ID and a title for a paid off vehicle. That’s it. Your credit score doesn’t matter, your income doesn’t matter, even your debt-to-income ratio is utterly irrelevant to title loan providers. Their business model is, quite literally, designed to squeeze desperate borrowers for as much money as they possible can and if they can’t cover the loan, they take their vehicle.

We can’t say why title loans are legal to begin with, […] Read more

The Best Car Insurance Companies to Protect Your Car

The Best Car Insurance Companies to Protect Your Car

You’ve probably dreamed of getting your own car when you turn into a self-sufficient adult. Having a vehicle provides so many perks, but what many people also tend to overlook that it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. One of which is to make sure that you’re financially capable for any event that can happen when you’re driving the car.

So, when you think of getting a car, you must also think of getting car insurance. You shouldn’t get one without the other. Since accidents happen even to the best and most careful of drivers, the consequences can result in […] Read more

Credit Cards vs Personal Loans: Which is Better?

Credit Cards vs Personal Loans: Which is Better?

There are more forms of financing available than ever before. Apart from the cash you have at hand, you can use credit cards or personal loans to fill the gap in cash shortages. Many people use the credit card and treat it like a currency alternative to cash, while others also take personal loans to meet financial needs.

While it may be easy just to pick one and choose between a credit card and personal loan, there are several things to consider. First, both provide quick relief for financial shortages, but it also depends on how much need you, how soon […] Read more

How to Finance a Small Business

How to Finance a Small Business

So, you have a good idea for a new business, you’ve curated a business plan to its smallest details, and you have the mindset to succeed. The only problem now is where to get the funds to get started.

According to Small Business Trends, 82% of new entrepreneurs acquire startup business financing from their savings through loans from family and friends. Unfortunately, many mainstream lenders aren’t very keen on lending thousands of dollars in capital for a startup business. For them, it’s a huge risk to take because startup businesses haven’t proven anything yet.

Whether you like it or not, any new […] Read more