Financial Milestones You Need to Hit Before 30

Financial Milestones You Need to Hit Before 30

Warren Buffet said, “If you spend money buying things you don’t need, soon you’ll soon have to sell things you need for money.” You may not relate to these words early in your teens, but as you progress through adulthood, you will gain this stark realization. When you were younger, did you say “how I wish I can be an adult already so I can do the things I want?” Well, now that you are, you’ll also realize that being an adult is actually harder.

Living independently as an adult is an exciting and overwhelming phase. By now, you’re probably done […] Read more

How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Wouldn’t it be great to never worry about money at all? Unfortunately, this is not real or true for many of us. According to a 2015 survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, money is the top stressor among Americans and has always been since 2007 when the study was first conducted.

But that’s not all. According to a recent survey conducted among America’s financially well-off (those who a net worth of $1 million) and above, they feel that they still need to strive and stay on the treadmill despite their good fortune. The constant hustle is fueled by the desire […] Read more