SMART Goals: Making Achievable Financial Goals

SMART Goals: Making Achievable Financial Goals

Remember the time last year when you were making New Year’s Resolutions? You probably wanted to shed some pounds, re-organize your routine, or take up new hobbies. You may have also thought about making (or saving) more money and jotted down a financial goal or two.

It’s good to wonder about and question your financial goals from time to time. Goals, whether big or small, short-term or long-term, will set you out to the desired financial path. Maybe you wanted to save up enough down payment for a home in two year’s time or start investing that would run all throughout […] Read more

How to Improve Your Credit Score

How to Improve Your Credit Score

Credit has become the most popular payment method. You can buy nearly anything like homes and cars to menial daily things like your morning coffee or lunch. Putting it on tab has become such a common practice that many people don’t even think twice and it’s a habit that’s really hard to shake.

One look at your credit score and lenders will immediately know your financial standing. You need to take good care of your credit score and maintain a high rating so you can continue to enjoy the many perks that come with being a credit holder. However, this takes […] Read more